Change in Product Material - 2022

To all our valued followers and supporters,
Today I am announcing a major change in the way we produce and manufacture our Lively Lures products moving forward in 2022 and beyond. Going back 35 years ago I started Lively Lures in a garden shed in the suburbs of Brisbane back in 1987 with the hopes of producing one of the best and strongest fishing lures here in Australia. With months and months of testing and research into which material product was going to suit a streamline manufacturing process that had the right floatation and also maintained the strength of timber. The product I decided to focus on at the time was a polyurethane, which ended up being the best medium moving forward and we have kept this same material and manufacturing process ever since.
It has now come to a point here at Lively Lures where the manufacturing process of polyurethane-made lures was restricting the future growth of our company, so we had to make the important decision to build a faster, more advanced system that still upholds the strength and action of all our products, as well as being able to keep up with order demands. Most importantly, I personally still have too much pride to let Lively Lures go overseas so we are committed to keeping the company 100% Australian made moving forward.
So as of late 2022 we have begun the process of converting the manufacturing system of popular models in our lure range from polyurethane, to a polycarbonate combined ABS technology material. These materials still allow Lively Lures to process our fishing lures at an affordable rate for our customers, as well as maintaining the strength and buoyancy the Lively Lures brand has become famous for here in this country.
We have full confidence here at Lively Lures that this new technology material will not affect you as fishermen/fisherwomen, and we will continue to back our product with confidence the same way we have for the past 35 years. We have been trialing this new material for the past 12 months on a variety of popular fish here in Australia. As mentioned this will be a process, so throughout the year there may be a mix of both polyurethane and ABS material lures coming your way as part of your orders, but within the next 12 months we are confident that Lively Lures will be 100% converted to this new technology.
I personally look forward to this change in process and can’t wait to see the Lively fans catching more of their favourite fish with their Lively Lures captures!
Tight Lines,
Alan Dolan
Lively Lures Pty Ltd